Saturday, February 17, 2007

MyBlogTVEvents Blog

As you know from reading my Social Networking Portal, I am very excited about this new website. They are getting a lot of exclusive content and its very exciting. But posting it to my social networking blog is a little off topic. That is why I decided the postings would be better served on its own blog . Be sure to check it often for more BlogTV Events.

If you have any questions about please contact Moddy Blaze at

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Social Networking and Politics - Obama

I recently discovered that Barack Hussein Obama has created his own social networking website. Cudos to him for being so up with technology and where people are at.

I thought I would pass on this link so others could check it out.

You may also be interested in a different type of social media, here is a link to
some Obama clips in the media:

Thanks for the feedback and offering of the correct spelling, instead of barrack obama that I had originally. If you have any suggestions for postings let me know at

Jeff Pontes Social Media Search